What is RDD in Spark ?


Apache Spark is a powerful and widely used distributed computing framework designed for processing large-scale data efficiently. One of the key components that make Spark so successful is Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). RDDs serve as the fundamental building blocks for data manipulation in Spark, allowing for distributed processing and fault tolerance. In this blog post, we will dive into the details of RDDs, exploring their definition, characteristics, creation, and operations in Apache Spark.

What is an RDD?

RDD stands for Resilient Distributed Dataset. It is an immutable, fault-tolerant, and distributed collection of data that can be processed in parallel across a cluster of machines in Apache Spark. RDDs are designed to handle large-scale data efficiently by dividing the dataset into multiple partitions, each stored on a different node in the cluster.

Characteristics of RDDs

Distributed: RDDs are distributed across the nodes of a cluster, enabling parallel processing of data. Spark automatically manages the distribution of RDD partitions across the cluster, optimizing data processing.

Immutable: Once an RDD is created, its data cannot be changed. Any operation on an RDD creates a new RDD, preserving the original data. This immutability ensures that RDDs are consistent and fault-tolerant, as the original data remains unchanged.

Fault-tolerant: RDDs are fault-tolerant by design. Spark achieves fault tolerance through lineage information, which records the sequence of transformations applied to the base RDD. In case of data loss due to node failure, Spark can recompute the lost data using the lineage information.

Lazy evaluated: RDDs use lazy evaluation, meaning the transformations are not executed until an action is performed. This optimization reduces unnecessary computations and enhances performance.

Creating RDDs

There are several ways to create RDDs in Spark:

Parallelizing an existing collection: You can create an RDD from an existing collection, like an array or a list, by calling the `parallelize()` method on the SparkContext object.

Loading external datasets: RDDs can be created by loading data from external storage systems, such as HDFS, HBase, or S3. Spark provides methods like `textFile()` or `hadoopFile()` to read data from these sources and create RDDs.

Transforming existing RDDs: You can create new RDDs by applying transformations (e.g., `map`, `filter`, `reduce`, etc.) on existing RDDs. Remember that transformations are lazy and won’t be executed until an action is called.

RDD Operations

RDDs support two types of operations:

Transformations: Transformations are operations that create a new RDD from an existing one. Examples of transformations include `map`, `filter`, `flatMap`, `reduceByKey`, `groupByKey`, and many more. As mentioned earlier, transformations are lazy and do not compute results immediately.

Actions: Actions are operations that trigger the actual computation and return a value or save data to external storage. Examples of actions include `count`, `collect`, `reduce`, `foreach`, `saveAsTextFile`, and `saveAsParquetFile`. When an action is invoked, Spark computes the RDD lineage and executes all the transformations required to produce the final result.


Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) form the backbone of Apache Spark’s distributed data processing capabilities. Their fault-tolerant, distributed, and immutable nature makes them a robust choice for handling large-scale data processing. By understanding RDDs and their operations, developers can harness the full potential of Apache Spark to build efficient and scalable data processing applications.

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